Repel, Exclude, Deter

Information from our friends at Poison Free Malibu on the Repel, Exclude, Deter method.

For more information on the RED methods for Gohphers and Squirrels visit their website:


I. Repel

  • Plant a border of mint varieties, lavender, rosemary, sage, marigolds, snapdragons, geraniums. 

    • From the San Francisco Chronicle, “Flowers That Deter Animals” include “aromatic annual herbs, such as mint, lavender and catnip. For perennial plants that repel mice, consider amaryllis (Amaryllis), lavender (Lavandula) or daffodils (Narcissus).”
  • Got mice in your car? See this link below – Protect Your Car
  • New organic products are on the market which include balsam fir, peppermint, clove, cinnamon, garlic barrier concentrate

Professional-level deterrents for mice and rats are available. You can Do-It-Yourself or you can ask a rodent/exclusion company.
Rat-Out Gel Garlic-based.
DeTour Contains white pepper.
Sold in containers it is called RoadBlock.
PRO-PELL is made up of peppermint, rosemary, and citronella essential oils that contain the smells and tastes that rodents hate. It is sprayed on the foundation of a building and is not easily washed off.
The Nixalite website has many useful products and suggestions for animal control.

II. Exclude

  • Seal all buildings. Do it yourself or hire a rodent exclusion company. Copper Blocker Pet Stopper is copper mesh to block holes. 
  • Do not overfill trash cans or dumpsters and make sure the lids are tightly closed and no spillage on the ground.
  • Maintain a tightly closed barbecue and clean after every use.
  • Maintain garage doors closed with door sweeps. Seal all entry points.
  • Underground Barriers. A pea gravel trench barrier 6 inches deep in the ground and 2 feet wide.
  • From Food Quality and Safety magazine. Advice from the pros to the pros on keeping food manufacturing, storage, and dispensing facilities rodent-free – Exclusion: Most Powerful Weapon in Fight Against Rodents
  • SealUpProductsYou MUST seal holes which serve as rodent entryways!newrathouse

III. Deter

  • Encourage biodiversity. Animals that eat and frighten rats, mice, gophers and ground squirrels – coyotes, domestic dogs and cats, foxes, and bobcats all monitor and capture at rodent burrow entrances; skunks, rattlesnakes, and gopher snakes corner rodents in their burrows. Owls and hawks capture above ground.
  • Consider owl boxes and raptor poles/perches (one owl eats 1000 rodents a year!). Articles and links on owls and raptors for rodent control are on our main page here – Owls
  • Remove trash and secure garbage bins.
  • Pet food. Leave outside only enough for one feeding, this includes bird seeds. Pick up fallen fruit, use tree cuffs metal, plastic on large trees. Remove pet feces.
  • Remove piles of debris, vegetation, and plants that feed and conceal rodents, such as ivy.
  • Motion detecting water spraysSpray Away Motion Activated Sprinkler and Solar Powered Motion Activated Animal Repellent Sprinkler
  • Strobe lights: Background is here. A product using LEDs –Rid-A-Ratdumpsterbeforeafter1

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